It seems as thought days turn into nights, nights turn into days and after all this its the end of the road. Well hopefully not literally. I just returned back from the 4th Cube TweetUp with (might I add) an exceptional turnout from our Toronto Cubies. I'm in awe at all the team players and genuine participants who just wanted to get to know each other and have a good time. It's been such an interesting collaboration of minds and personalities that a common thread like the Cube has brought us there to share ourselves with each other. It's not everyday you can surround yourself with creative people.
Creative people who have such an enthusiasm for a goal and a passion to take a risk and invest so much time and effort without any real guarantee that they'll make it to the finish line. When it's all said and done, none of us really know what they will be judging to make the final decisions. However I hope everyone has felt appreciated and has grown from this experience, so that win or lose they leave with something much greater than a car. I hope they value this time spent on themselves and pushing limits they never thought they'd reach. Myself I never planned on ever being on youtube, however here I am with more than nine videos posted up. I don't regret a thing about this contest and I'm glad I entered and stuck it out with full force.
Here's my photo from yesterday of the Balloon Animal Nissan Cube! Thanks to Andy the Clown.
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